AEASO Brothers and Sisters,

Happy New Year! I hope that all of you were able to take much needed time and spend doing what makes you happy. That means different things for people in their personal lives. Within our professional lives, I believe that happiness comes from several factors that include:

It is these 3 things that root me back to why I joined a union as an educator and  why I embrace working for a union. I know the importance of ensuring the survival and success of public education and the role the union plays in that. 

It is for this reason that I am also proud to be a member of our staff union AEASO within AEA. The 3 factors above that we advocate for and with our members for, are just as important for us as union staff members. One cannot assume that just because we are a union that works for a union, that good wages/benefits, working conditions, and authentic collaborative voice are inalienable rights. 

Just as we ask our members and potential members to be involved and engaged in their union, I ask you all to do the same within your AEASO union. I ask you to keep an eye out on communication as it comes out, to dedicate space for unit meetings, and to do as unions do: join together and use their strength to have a voice in their workplace.

The executive team is focused on ensuring that we create a safe and engaging space for all of our unit members to identify issues/concerns, bring forward ideas/solutions, and advocate for our voices to be heard. The plan is to meet when we have the in-person staff meetings to have some face time and also meet many of our new brothers and sisters. 

I look forward to working with you all on making AEA a great place to work to best ensure a successful AEA. 

Rony Assali

Proud AEASO President

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